About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When you leave New York, you are astonished at how clean the rest of the world is. Clean is not enough.

The sun is shining, but it is still freaking cold outside. So on my way home, I dropped into this organic store where they sold all different sorts of tea. I, of course, ended up buying yoga-tea. I guess I'm a little yoga-addicted for the moment. But that can't be too bad, right? 

The tea made my day for two reasons: 1. It was delicious, 2. It had some words of wisdom written on the end of the tread that's connected to the tea-bag. 

I resist the temptation to open all the tea-bags, to see what words are written on them. 

I am also proud to announce that I finally got myself to buy some washing-powder. You see, I am extremely stingy, at least when it comes to spending money on things that are not wearable, eatable or technological. But when I suddenly found myself empty of clean underwear, I just had to go out to buy it. It was of course after I got home, that I discovered the soap-automat at the laundry room. At least, it did not have a planet on it. So I can wash my clothes with better conscience than the ones who use the automat. 

What an exciting life, huh?

I've been reading some blogs of other Gateway-students, and they all seem to have the same negative impression of Gateway. I have tried not to write too much (either negative or positive) about Gateway college, by the simple reason that I've had previous negative experiences with writing about specific companies or schools (my high-school asked me to remove a post on my previous blog. Apparently, they did not like that I had criticized how badly our school-trip to Germany had been executed). 

Still, I must admit that I've cursed Gateway in my sleep. The lack of information is extremely frustrating, and so is the lack of communication. Our american teachers don't even know what they're supposed to teach us, 'cause they haven't been given any books yet. And if they have the book, well, then we don't. At least not all of us. 
Then there's the "classrooms". We're currently trying to get some quality education in an tired and cold basement, that is really meant to be used as a comedy club and/or a bar. The chairs are uncomfortable and low. And the tables? They are high and small and unsteady and round. So I'll guess I'll have to pay for some hours at the psychotherapist when I'm done her. BAH!

There could be even more to complaint about, but you get the point right? The question now is: What do we do with it? We have all paid A LOT of money to be here, most of it went to Gateway itself. Some of the other students have already revealed their dissatisfaction on facebook, and ask others to join. If it is the right way to go, I do not know (hah, it rimed). But I do know that if I knew it could be this way, I would not have traveled with them. 

What do you think I (we) should do?


  1. Heei :) Så bra at du e enige! Vi må stå sammen;) Hehe.Å ang Vintage-vi fant ett marked rett ved silver towers som er hver helg, med så utrolig masse fint!! vintage i soho er litt dårlig synes eg, veldig dyrt! Man vil jo ha det litt billig og bra;)

  2. I og med at eg bur i Greenwich Village, har det blitt mest Soho. Men der er dei relativt dyre, ja. Skal sjekke ut Silver Towers-området. Takk for tipset. :)
