About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Manhattan is a narrow island off the coast of New Jersey devoted to the pursuit of lunch.

Well, this weekend have been all about shopping. And eating. And one movie. And some studying.

On Saturday I went to Soho/Noho to look for a laptop-bag (and some vintage stores), but I quickly understood that I were in the wrong neighborhood. The shops were really nice and very special, but also very expensive. I had walked into a area full of designer- and luxury-stores. And to my great despair, I found the perfect bag. The size, the look, the feel; everything was like taken out of my dream. The price? 675$, thank you. Well, if I live by a monthly budget of 1500$, that's not gonna work. Food and transport over perfect laptop-bags, right?

After I while I gave up and tried my luck again on Sunday (yes, all stores are open on Sundays). Only in a different neighborhood. I walked east to Union Square, were I knew there would be mote reasonable-priced-stores. And there I found it: a deep blue bag with the perfect room for my Mac, in the middle of a little shoe/ handbag-shop, only 5 blocks away from where I live! If that wasn't enough, most of the store was on sale, due to Valentines Day. Therefore I got this bag for 55$ instead of 89$. 
It's OK to be lucky some times. 

It is not as perfect as the one to 670$, but what do you expect when the price is 12 times as little. 

Besides walking around Middle Manhattan looking for bags, I have been introduced to a fantastic restaurant, great cinema (and great movie) and a heavenly icecream-bar. All three were shown to me by another Norwegian resident of the Markle. She has lived at The Markle earlier, and therefore knows were to find the good stuff. 

On Saturday evening she, I and another girl (not Norwegian) went to this thailand restaurant called Spice. The food was just amazingly good, and so was the atmosphere and not least the prices! I were surprised of how cheap it was, according to how stylish it looked. 

After the dinner we went to the nearest cinema to see the movie Black Swan. Which, totally blew me away. Such an intense movie, and such a good performance by Natalie Portman. She is one of my favorite actors, because no matter what role you see her in , she always pulls it off brilliantly. 

After the movie we needed to chill our heads a little bit, so we went to this supernice icecream-bar. They had the best sorbet's you could ever imagine, in addition you had a selection of 40 different toppings. I chose mango-sorbet with fresh strawberries, pineapple and kiwi. Just thinking about it makes my tongue happy. 

Sunday evening wasn't that much fun. The whole evening I was crawling my way trough my school-books. I find the books themselves very interesting and fun to read, it's just that when you are to learn them, it gets really boring. 


  1. Håpe alt e bra med dej. Wish I was there! :) Veska va forresten kjempefiin. Loves it!

  2. Joda, og den va veldig praktisk. Men du skulle sett den andre. Den va berre fantastisk vakker. :'(
