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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Friday, February 25, 2011

New York City is a great apartment hotel in which everyone lives and no one is at home

Well, first let me tell you that I have fallen completely, desperately, wonderfully in love with NYC. Every day is such an adventure here. You can just walk out the door, and suddenly you meet the most interesting people, who introduce you to the most exciting places. 

On wednesday, we had our first class with our teacher in Philosophy of Science (ex-fac). I think he'll turn out to be my favorite teacher, since he is challenging, interesting and very knowledgeable. Besides, he talks more about science that the other. Philosophy and human rights are very interesting subjects, but it's science that lies closest to my heart.

Anyway, the science teacher gave us an excellent tip about NYC. There is a membership organization called The New York Academy of Science. It's the biggest community for scientist all over the world, with 24 000 members in 140 different countries. The organization works mostly for promoting science and scientists. One of their programs is something they call Science and the City. They host science-events that is open for the public. These science-events is often in a form of a debate between scientists from different disciplines, where they address a scientific subject of general interest. You can read more about them in their webpage: http://www.nyas.org/default.aspx

The events are held in the 40th floor of World Trade Center 7. What a view, and what a building:

The new twin towers are still under construction, but should be done in September. 

So, I thought, I better check this thing out. I'm glad I did, 'cause this was perfect for me. The debate itself were very fascinating, as the scientists had many good points but also managed to be amusing. But the best thing was afterwards, 'cause then they had free drinks and snacks, and you would just walk around socializing with the most interesting people. 
Well, I met this superstrange american. He was partly artist, partly teacher, partly scientist, partly student and just partly hippie, I guess. The funny thing, was that he lived only two blocks from The Markle. When the event reached it's end, he asked me and another Gateway-student if we wanted to go to this great bar in Greenwich Village. You only live once, so we joined him. 
The bar was great, alright. Such an atmosphere and such a style. It was the brownest bar in the street, and also the one with most sole. At least not because of the people. People from all over the world, with all different looks and stories, squeezed together into this great, tiny bar. It was so crowded, that it was almost impossible to take pictures, but at least you can get a sense of the mood of the bar: 

On friday, Gateway invited us to go disco-bowling. Even though I absolutely hate bowling, I gave it a try. I ended up on a team with some girls from my class. After the bowling, some other Gateway-students asked us if we wanted to go out to eat and maybe find a bar afterwards. We had already ordered a pizza at the bowling-hall, but we agreed to meet up afterwards. The pizza, by the way, was terrible. It was so thin that it became impossible to eat it by hand, but we still didn't get any cutlery. In addition, it was burned underneath AND we had to wait for it for 50 minutes. So we wrote them a little note when we left:

Other pictures from the bowling-hall:

After the terrible pizza, we went out to catch up with the others. But nobody really had a clue were to go, so we just ended up walking around in Soho - in rain and wind and cold. Luckily, we bumped into some other Gateway-students who had an apartment one block away, so we went up to their place. It was the most cosy apartment you could imagine, and also the most cosy four girls living there. 

Three of the four cosy girls:

So now, when it's actually weekend, I am exhausted. But it's not so bad, 'cause the weather is even worse today than yesterday. So I don't mind having a quiet night inside. 

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