About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The faces in New York remind me of people who played a game and lost

I apologize for not blogging in three hole days. I can imagine how frustrated and upset my many readers have been. It has probably been a terrible weekend for both of you. 
Well, to my defense my weekend hasn't been too good either. I sank into deep depression when we received the final time schedules on friday. They go until May, and all they show is school, school, school.. every day, all day long. How the heck am I supposed to get time to actually experience this city? After all, that is the most important thing about this trip and about this blog - the experience of NYC, NOT the experience of some freaking school-books. 

As if friday wasn't ruined already, my "date" for the evening cancelled because of sickness. You see, my only thing close to a friend here at The Markle share the same interest as me to Great Rock n Roll. Therefore, we had agreed to check out this really cool bar playing music of Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Springsteen, and other famous American Gods of Rock. 
So when the date was cancelled, I grew even more into my depression and just went up to my room where I spent hours staring at the wall, talking to myself and then crying myself to sleep in fetal position.
Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT bad, but I just wasn't in the mood for blogging, OK?

Saturday, of course, was spent studying as I got a bit stressed out by the fact that we  in only four weeks from now will have our first exam. Not the real deal, but it still counts 40% of the final grade. 
After focusing on the computer screen for too many hours, I decided to take a break and live a little. No, that does not mean to go out on a nightclub or bar, as most of the other Gateway-students did. It means going to hot yoga. And i tell you, I felt SO much better afterwards. I didn't even faint this time. 

On Sunday I found myself a bit sick of staying in my room. So I went out looking for a open library. I, of course, got lost after walking for 10 minutes. And when I finally found a library, it was closed. But the trip was not in vain, as I brought my camera with me. I'm guessing your'e getting a bit tired of photos from Greenwich Village, but I'll still give it a shot:

In some trees you find nuts (I think?)...
... and in some trees you find plasticbags.

Here's the library that wasn't open. FU!

Beautiful house, yes? Well, it's for sale. Oh, if only I had the money..

As I walked through the streets, trying to find my way home, I suddenly heard some beautiful sounds in the wind. It was a wind chime, hanging from a balcony. 

There is only one thing I really don't like (or understand) about New York: In the evening everyone put their garbage out on the streets, instead of putting them in garbage cans. In the morning, when the garbage-people come to pick them up, some animals have already tore the bags apart and there's garbage everywhere on the sidewalk. 

When I finally found my way back home, I randomly ran into a bunch of other Gateway-students staying at The Markle. They were going out for dinner, and asked if I wanted to join. We just went to the nearest restaurant, as most of them were really tired after partying all night (while I was doing yoga). It was a spanish restaurant, and the food was therefore very spanish. It wasn't the best spanish meal I had ever had, though, and the portions were gigantic. 
Notice how much food there's left on the table. Our norwegian stomach didn't stand a chance. 

How has your weekend been?

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