About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

They say life's what happens when you're busy making other plans. But sometimes in New York, life is what happens when you're waiting for a table.

Our first day at school was interesting. Well, at the beginning, that is. After 4 hours of philosophy, I got a little tired. According to the schedule we are having 4-5 hours of school every day. After my opinion, that's a little unnecessary. I thought the whole point of "higher education" was that you would be in charge of your own learning. Fortunately, the schedule is only for one week. Next week we'll get a new (and hopefully more permanent) one, and then we'll also be introduced to our American teachers.

I did learn one thing today, though - I really needed a bag to carry my Mac and books in. So after school I took a round around my neighborhood looking for a handbag-shop. Just tree blocks down from The Markle I stumbled over this amazing shoe-shop. Shoegasm it was called, and indeed a shoegasm it was. I've never seen so many pretty shoes in the same locale (unless, maybe in the Bianco-shop in Ålesund). And if that wasn't enough, half of the store was on 50% sale! I am on an strict budget, and thought for myself that I'd rather turn back to the street before something bad happened. But then I saw them - a pair of extraordinary beautiful winter-leather boots, on sale. And as I waited for the clerk to get me a pair in my size, I found another two pairs of extraordinary beautiful shoes, on sale
As all of the three pairs fitted perfectly, I found myself giving a damn about strict budgets. So I bought all three. I've never spent so much money on shoes in one week. 
I think New York is getting to me.

1 comment:

  1. Får prøve igjen da.. Synes bare det var så artig å lese bloggen din. Har lenge hatt lyst til å reise til NY så nå har jeg tenkt å lære litt av det du opplever. Kan jo håpe på at jeg en vakker dag kommer meg dit. Det ser i hvert fall ut som du klarer deg bra, og du er heldig som får anledning til denne opplevelsen. Ønsker deg fine dager!
