About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Skyscraper National Park

As you already know, today we were going on a rebus around Manhattan. We were given 40 different posts, and 6 hours to complete them in, with an exception of a lunch break at the Norwegian Church (Sjømannskyrkja). After only 3 hours we were sick and tired of the rebus, and headed for the Church. Why? Because the weather was shit! It was raining in all directions and in all sizes, and the more we walked the wetter and colder we got. So after the lunch, we just headed back to our apartments or hotels.

The weather is also my excuse for not taking all those pictures I promised. But there were some occasions were the rain slowed down for a while, and those occasions I used to photograph. Here's my catch of the day:
A rainy day on Times Square

Here you can not se the Empire State building. It rose above the bad weather. The people on top probably had sun all day. 

This is from inside the white library (NY Public Library), that I posted a picture of yesterday. If the building was magnificent from the outside, it was spectacular from the inside! The steps were of marble, the walls were covered in golden panels and the roof (which you can see on the picture) was beautiful paintings. 

The two pictures above are from The Grand Central Station - another extravagant building. I am amazed of all the beautiful old buildings here in NYC, especially about how well they are renovated and maintained. 

This picture I would like to dedicate to my father. He is obsessed with watches, and does of course more than anything want a Rolex. This would be heaven for him, because this was the largest Rolex-store I had ever seen.

In the evening we were invited by Gateway to a dinner at a very fancy restaurant. Indeed, it was fancy. Look for yourself:
The food, though, was not so fancy. It sounded fancy, and looked fancy, but it did not taste fancy. It was actually pretty boring. I chose a penne pasta as main course. It was  noting but a bowl full of pasta and parmesan, and some pees here and there. BUT the dinner was free, so I shouldn't complaint. 

Now I'm going to bed after a long day. Tomorrow I am free to do whatever I want. I guess I just have to see what I feel like doing when I wake up. It should be mentioned that the yearly finale in American Football aka. Superbowl is going off tomorrow. Even though I don't really care for sports, I think it would be an experience to witness the finale in a bar or in a public area. We'll see tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. can you please take some photos from your room and the view??
    looks like you're having a blast! Take care <3
