About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Monday, February 21, 2011

It seemed to me that disagreeable news invariably arrived when I and New York weather were in execrable moods.

So when I woke up this morning and saw out the window, I was quite chocked by the sight. White! Everything was white! Tree days ago it was hot enough to walk around in a T-shirt, and now it was snowing!? Man, the weather is sure strange here in NY. 

Even though I'm longing for spring, the snow is still beautiful. So I took a walk with my camera, again. This time, I was even went to Central Park for a short visit. But then it got quite windy and cold, so I went back home. I still managed to bet some decent pictures. 
I present to you: New York Winter Wonderland!

Now I'm justing waiting for the wind to silence and the sun to shine.

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