About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Friday, February 4, 2011

In New York there's no room for amateurs, even in crossing the streets

I am sorry to say that  I never took the sightseeing-photos I promised. BUT I have a very good reason. You see, the bus had a roof of plastic . Dirty, scratched, thick plastic. Because of that, I was not able to take pictures of anything we passed on the tour. You can see for yourself how hopeless it was:
This is me trying to get a picture of the Crysler Building. 

And this is me trying to get a picture of our guide - which was hilarious, by the way. 

After the sightseeing tour I felt really bad that I hadn't taken any pictures. So I thought; "Why not just take some pictures from street level? I can walk around and act like the most annoying tourist, who constantly puts her camera in the air." My perfect plan was spoiled, though, when our Gateway-person decided that we should go ice-skateing. As we were lining up in queue outside the skating-pond, I saw my chance and opened the camera-bag. I't was quite windy and cold, so I only bothered to take four pictures. But it's better than nothing, right?
Everybody takes pictures of the yellow cabs, but I found the yellow bus just as iconic. 

This picture shows how badly prepared New York was for all the snow that came. New Yorkers' jump of their feet if there's only 1 cm snowfall. But his winter, our guide told us, the snowfall had been up to 1 m. 

To be honest, I really don't know what building I took a picture of. I just thought it was a nice motive, whit the tree in the foreground.

This, though, I do what is. This is The New York Public Library, and it was HUGE! Well, maybe not in New York-scale, but in Ålesund-scale it was really gigantic. There was a lion at each end of the entrance. 

After I had taken my mandatory pictures, I found myself thinking; "To heck with skating. I'd rather go shopping." So I did. The result was three pairs of converse-shoes for the prize of one pair in Norway. 

Aren't they pretty? The grey ones are sueded leather. 

Tomorrow we are having a rebus all around Manhattan, and then we have to take pictures. I promise. 

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