About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New York is the biggest collection of villages in the world

I was going to publish a new post yesterday, but since the Internet didn't want me to, I had to delay it to today. You see, yesterday I was free from school, so I decided to take a walk around The Village with my camera. 

If you walk down 14th street up to Union Square, you will find lots of international shops with reasonable-priced clothes, such as H&M, Banana Republic, United Colors of Benetton, etc. 

There are so many pretty buildings in Greenwich Village, which you don't find so much of elsewhere on Manhattan

Even Buddah needs a scarf when the temperature drops and the wind start to blow. This one was sitting in a window sill. 

You find beggars all over town. This one was in a particularly good mood, and wanted me to take a picture of him while he sung his lungs out. 

The hearts vere to bee seen all over town, even one day after Valentines Day. 

I stumbled over this cute little gallery. For the moment, they only had three exhibits, and one of them was called "Vintage Woman" where they displayed this beautiful collection of vintage jewelry. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to take pictures inside.

There are quite a few parks in the area, but this must be the smallest one:.
In the middle of the park there were a homosexual and lesbian couple carved in stone. The gay liberation movement has a strong connection to Greenwich Village.

All over town you can also find monuments about 9/11. This fence of little ceramic paintings (I assumed) made by children warmed my heart. 

You can walk a whole day in New York, without touching the sun, even though the sky is blue. That is of course because of the great shadows the tall buildings casts. 

I walked around for about two hours, but then suddenly a ice cold wind startet blowing. So then I gave up my photo-project, and rather went to the NY Public Library to study:
No, not the big white one at Bryant Park. This one is smaller, but still pretty (although it is currently under renovation). And it's only two blocks away. I love to live in the Village. You got everything you need in a walking distance.

Oh, and a funny thing happened at the library yesterday. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the soup-Mac-story? Well, here goes: I often drank soup during classes at high school, because it was so cold, and because it tasted better than some dry piece of bread. One day I had made myself a cup of soup, and placed it beside my Mac while waiting for it to get colder. One of my friends then threw something to me, and of course hit the cup of soup so it turned over my Mac. Long story short: my Mac was ruined and had to be sent to repairs for two week. Those were the longest two weeks of my high school-life. 
So, yesterday, at the library, a guy sitting next to me managed to spill his coffee all over the table, and for a short moment I got the craziest deja vu- felling. Luckily, this time the Mac was not the victim. One of my books got a little coffee on it, though. But as long as the Mac is fine, I'm fine. 

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