About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The only news program with no credibility left to lose

Besides from the little party on Monday, there has not been much fun around here. The days have been filled with school, school, school. School is still a mess, and in addition, it is stealing away our precious free-time. I know the situation shouldn't bring me down, but it still does. Hopefully, things will change over the weekend.

After spending several days in either cold classrooms or boring books, I felt like I needed to do some New York-experiencing. And then I thought about how fun it would be to be audience at a famous TV-show. So I found the homepage of one of my favorite shows, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I had read that it was quite difficult to get tickets to the show, since it's so popular. Therefore, I was very surprised to find that they had some few tickets left for today. I wrote a note on Facebook, asking if someone wanted to join, and one minute later we were three happy girls going to The Daily show.

The show were to start at 5 pm, but we were advised to show up at least one hour earlier. We showed up 2 hours earlier, and therefore got some good tickets. After we got the tickets, there were no point in standing in line, since the doors didn't open until 2 hours later. 
So we took a walk around the neighborhood. It was very different from Greenwich Village, with grey, tarnished buildings, closed shops and ruptured streets. This was definitely not the prettier part of town.
Since it was crazy cold outside, we decided to drop into a diner and get a coffee. We ordered a cappuccino, but it tasted more like a caramel-mocca, with extra caramel. Still, it warmed our bodies and made the time pass. 

Then, finally the time had come, and we went down to the studio where we got some really good seats forefront. We were not allowed to take pictures inside, so I would have to steal some from the Internet:

Although we had to wait for about an hour inside the studio, it was totally worth it. I can't remember the last time I laughed that much, and the man himself was even more cool in real life than on TV. The greatest bonus was that this was all for free. If some more tickets pop up, I will definitely grab them right away. 

Here you can watch the full episodes. The one we were on, will not be posted until tomorrow. If you're not in the US, you might have some connection-problems.

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