About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cause I'm gonna ride fast, going nowhere. And I left my brain in the past.

In New York, you have no time to waste. So if there is an good concert playing late Monday night, you go. Even though you went out on both Friday and Saturday, and has school the day after.

The good concert was in this case the Norwegian electro rock band Datarock. Their music is charming, funny and very catchy. And they definitely know's how to get the audience in the mood.

The doors opened 7.30 pm, but there were three other bands playing prior to Datarock were to enter the stage, so Emilie and I deiced to join a "vorspiel" before we went to the concert. We ended up in another pretty apartment, this time in Chinatown, rented by four guys instead or four girls. That didn't matter, 'cause the cosy girls from the Soho-apartment all came to the vorspiel. 

The location of the vorspiel was perfect, since the concert was located in Santos Party House, only 10 min away. We went a bit later than planned, so we only got to see two of the other bands. Fortunately, they were both really good. 

The first of the other bands was called Dinowalrus. I don't really know how the describe the genre, but I guess you could call it a mix of electronic, psychedelic, indie, and pop. I was kinda relaxing and really pleasant to listen to. But it might not be the best party-music. 

The other band was an Asian girl-rock-band called The Suzan, and they really got the party started. My favorite, though, was the only ballade they performed. The voice of the vocalist to the sound of a dim el-gitar was so heartbreakingly beautiful.

And then finally they came, in their red jogging suits. There were a lot of Norwegians at the concert, especially from Gateway, and the whole bunch were dancing and jumping in front of the stage. The mood of both the band and the audience blew the sealing of the building. It was electrifying, crazy and so much fun. 


Have you heard of Datarock, or seen them live?

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