About Me

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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I remember how often some of us walked out of the darkness of the Lower East Side and into the brilliant sunlight of Washington Square

This Saturday I had no plans. Still, it became one of the most eventful and busy days so far. 

The weather was great yesterday, with sun and temperatures over 10 degrees. So I and Emilie (another Gateway/Markle-girl) decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. We ended up in Soho, and stumbled over this amazing vintage-store called Screaming Mimi's. I had read that it was supposed to be really good, so I insisted that we should go inside for a look. It was the perfect vintage store; it was quite big but still well organized, the prizes were good and it was full of old designer- and luxury-clothes. 

Emilie bought an beautiful fur-jacket, and a pair of amazing highwaist-pants. She was very satisfied.  

I bought a incredible purse and a magnificent corset. 

We both agreed to go back some day. Because of the size, you need to go several times to see trough it all. In addition, they bring in new stuff all the time. 
After the impuls-shopping we got a bit hungry, so Emilie took me to a really cozy Japanese restaurant near the Markle. I had never tried sushi before, but were eager to taste it. So we ordered a plate for two. We were a bit shocked to see that the plate for two was enough for at least three. I got to taste some different rolls, and I really liked it. Especially the one with smoked salmon, since the salmon was so delicious. 

One of the Gateway/Markle-girls were celebrating her birthday, so we all went to a Japanese restaurant in the evening. There I got to taste sushi one more time, and it still tasted delicious. For some strange reason, the restaurant was also a karaoke-bar. But we never got that part. 

After the dinner some went home, while some went to a club. Emilie and I would rather go to a bar, so we did. She and some others Norwegians (and one Swedish girl) had found the bar some days earlier. It was full of soul and charisma, and the Cosmopolitan's we got were really good.

After staying at the cosy bar for about an hour, we went to the next stop. Some of the Norwegians know promotors, who get them in to clubs for free. One of Emilie's friends knew such and promotor, and therefore got us in to a popular nightclub in the Village. The music was loud, the people were happy and the drinks were free. Still, I was a bit tired, so after only 2 hours I went home. I have no photos from the nightclub. It was so crowded that it became impossible to even lift your arms. But it sure was an experience to be in a loud and overcrowded nightclub. 


  1. ååh, Stine, du he det så fint! Ej vil shoppe i vintage butikka, drikke cosmoplitans og spise sushi sammen med dej! Møøø. Jaja, savn you :)

  2. Ja men så kom hit ein tur, då vell :D Du kan få bu på rommet mitt. It would have been perfect.
