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New York, NY, United States
Once upon a time there was this grave, blond girl living at the coast of Norway. She was so bored with her life, that she decided to start over and travel across the sea. She ended up in New York City, the city of opportunities. Here she will hope to find Life, before she returns to Norway. You can follow her search in this blog.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My one thought is to get out of New York, to experience something genuinely American.

It's so far been a busy weekend. Most of Friday went to school, while the evening went to Music. You see, Annie, Stina (another Norwegian dancer) and I went to this legendary rock 'n roll bar called Cafe Wha. This is said to be the bar where great musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen first started their career. The restaurant/bar has their own fantastic band, which plays famous songs of all genres and from all eras of the 20. and 21. century. And performing there different songs are different vocalists, each with their significant style and sound. It was so far one of my definitive best music-experiences in NY. 
Unfortunately, my camera died after 15 minutes, so I didn't get to take too many pictures. 

On Saturday (almost) the whole Gateway-gang went to Washington DC.  There you can find attractions such as these:

We didn't have too much time, and since the distances are much greater than in NY, we were not able to see all the sights. The things we did get to see, was the Lincoln memorial (we did not see Lincoln himself, though. There were too many tourists blocking the entrance), the Washington memorial, the pacific memorial from WWII, the Vietnam memorial and NOT the reflecting pool. You see, they decided to renovate the pool at the same time we were there. That was a big disappointment, since the pool was one of the things I really wanted to see. 

The trip took 4 hours, so we were very glad to finally get out.

Washington memorial

Pacific memorial for fallen soldiers during WWII

The southern part of DC is just one big park, and there were squirrels everywhere.

Behind this fence you would normally see the reflecting pool. 

Lincoln Memorial

Vietnam memorial

One of the famous museums; The Smithsonian

After a while we decided to check out the part of DC called Georgetown. It was supposed to be a very charming place, and indeed charming it was with pretty houses of stone, sweet cafes and narrow streets of cobblestone. In fact, it reminded me a bit of Ă…lesund. 

All in all, DC was an delightful, beautiful and calm city. But it was also really slow, and frankly quite boring. In the end of the day I found myself longing to to busy streets and tall buildings of New York. 

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